Side Chick Chronicles: How To Differentiate Yourself From His Main Piece To His Side Piece

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies. This is a question we’ve dealt with at least once in our lives or experienced with our bffs, homegirls, cousins, or whomever. Am I his main course, or his side dish?

The worse feeling is to really be feelin’ someone and his feelings are only sexual. As women, it is natural for us to want more from our boo other than some eggplant from time to time. We want love. We want someone to be there for us. Someone to talk to and hold us when we had a rough day at work. It’s natural, don’t worry.

We’ve all been there and if we say we haven’t, well, we’d be lying? Am I right or am I right?

Even though becoming a side chick is inevitable when we are dealing with a dude whose trying to be a player and juggle a girlfriend and a little thang on the side, there are signs to look out for.

1. Does he only call you when he wants to get it in? If so, chances are you are his side piece. If the two of you only communicate when he wants to get his freak on, don’t expect to be his main thing. He may even have a couple of “you’s” and when I say “you’s” I mean girls he call when he gets “bored” with his girlfriend

2. Do you go on dates? And by dates I don’t mean five star restaurants. I mean, to the movies, the park, hell, to get some Yogurt. A trip to his homie’s house doesn’t cut it. While he may not try to hide you from his friends, don’t get too happy. Men nowadays stick together and even though his boys might know his girlfriend, they aren’t going to snitch. So with you coming around, only makes him look like the “man” he wants to portray in front of his friends.

3. Does he avoid you on Holidays? When Christmas and most importantly, Valentine’s day come around, is he no where to be found? Chances are he’s spending it with his family and when I say family, his girl is included. If a gift is something you’re expecting on Valentine’s day and he doesn’t deliver those roses or surprise you with dinner and a movie, than that means his money and time is being spent elsewhere.

4. Do you talk and text frequently? If you only text, like I stated before, when he wants some then this should tell you he’s only interested in what you can offer him. Communication is key to a relationship and if the only time you two communicate is once every week (or when he’s horny) than you need to be aware.

5. Do you spend the night and if you do, does he make some excuse for you to leave in the morning? After a night of getting it in what girl wants to be asked if she needs a ride home or if her friend is coming to pick her up? Uh, none of us right? If your boo always makes an excuse to why you can’t stay the night, or better yet, lets you spend the night and politely asks you to leave in the morning, well girl he just ain’t into you. If before you can open your eyes or yawn, he’s already dressed and asking “what you bout to do?” leave his butt alone!

I hope I stopped some broken hearts or aided in you cutting his ass off. Trust me, even though we may say we don’t care or “we just want some peen” we don’t! We want love and deserve love like anyone else. Remember, don’t settle! Good luck and happy dating!

black-man-cheating Photo found on uptownmagazine.com

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1 comment

stephanie carlisi at 12:17 pm

Thank you for summarizing some tell-tale signs!

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