Singer/songwriter Mila J drops the 9th installment of her year long EP series, September 2018. Mila’s EP series captures a year’s worth of the highs and lows of...
Jessie Reyez is unbothered and she continues to share new music off her anticipated second EP, Being Human in Public. This week, the Toronto-raised singer/songwriter shares the...
Rising artist DaniLeigh is back for the summer with a new track titled “Lil BeBe” The Ism and Grammy SZN-produced track is expected to appear on her...
On July 13th, She’Chinah released her debut E.P. “Solitaire.” The seven-song project blends R&B, soul and jazz, detailing She’Chinah’s process in discovering that finding love in...
Today (July 13), Republic Records signee Kiana Ledé releases her much-anticipated, debut EP, Selfless. The eight-song set illuminates the singer/songwriter/actress’s penchant for slick, sharp, smart, and soulful R&B...
Lloyd is back. The R&B heartthrob gears up for his upcoming album Tru with his new single “Caramel.” The song is the first release from Lloyd’s full-length...
Atlantic Records signee Ravyn Lenae recently traveled to Berlin, Germany where she recorded a performance for ‘COLORS’ studio. Set against a deep red background, the teen singer-songwriter...
Kehlani links up with buzzing Bay Area rapper Saweetie in new video for the “ICY GRL (Bae Mix).” Shot at a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, the Stephen...