Finding Love In College :)

While finding a boo thing is a subject our counselors and advisors don’t discuss during orientation, it is a topic of discussion between friends.

I’m sure you’ve heard your mom say (after you got your heart broken in high school) that you’ll find the love of your life in college? No? Just me? Well if this pertains to you too, then you know exactly what I am talking about.

While love is beautiful, it can also be the most ugliest and I mean ugliest situations to be in. Being young and in love is one of the most trying things we go through in life-our young life.

So now you’ve gotten to college, unpacked, got acquainted with your new roomie who you will be sharing a room with for the rest of your freshman year, and had another tour of your new campus, you are ready to find some cuties.

What you may not realize, is you aren’t the only girl on college campus looking for a new boo. No my friend. A good percentage of girls on campus are looking for a man so you aren’t alone.

This can be a good thing and a bad thing. Good because you will be able to connect and bond with other girls on the prowl for a man. Bad because you might be competing for the affections of the cutie in the fraternity or that fine ass point guard on the basketball team.

It happens-to all of us! But trust me you don’t want the drama. If you have to compete for the attention of a guy, leave the b.s alone! No man is worth the drama. If you and another girl are beefin’ over the same dude, let her have him. I know this may sound cheesy or you don’t want to be perceived as a quitter or known as the girl who let ‘another chick have her man’ but trust me, he ain’t worth it. You already have midterms, projects, presentations, and finals to worry about. Keeping a man shouldn’t be one of them.

Where to find your new boo?

Finding your college sweetheart can be like finding a grain of salt, if you aren’t looking correctly. So where do we go Simone? While walking around campus or in your classrooms might be the easiest way, sometimes it isn’t.

Try going to the library more often. A lot of times you’ll catch Mr. Right studying for that midterm either late in the afternoon or early in the morning.

Also, if you are into frat guys, maybe attending a probate or two might help.

Being involved in extra-curricular activities outside of homework will also aid in finding a boo. Go to events on campus, the nearby Starbucks, or restaurants. Join your school’s dance team, ASB, a sorority, or something to be more involved. Not only will this help in your boo search, but will also look good on applications and your resume.

I hope I was of some assistance today. Remember, make the best of your college experience. This is one of the most memorable times f your young lives.

Happy dating!

By: Simone Grant

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