Just When We Thought We Knew It All…. a Few Unknown Facts About Kim Kardashian

From reality TV to videos that went viral to interviews to paparazzi we thought we knew it all about Kim Kardashian West, but we have been proven wrong. Vogue writer Jessie Heyman  dug through the dirt and shared these interesting facts. Let’s see how many you knew and how many you didn’t know…


  1. OJ Simpson claims to be Kim’s godfather and to have been present when Kim was born. Although the two seem to have little to no connection or contact now, at one time before the big trial  the families were very close.
  2. Kim once long-term dated TJ Jackson, Michael Jackson’s nephew. Her 14th birthday party was held at the Neverland Ranch. Kim once shared with People Magazine that Neverland Ranch,  “was the most magical place on earth, “and went on to say, “the memories I have from that place will last a lifetime.”
  3. Kim swears to not do drugs or alcohol, but does have five shots of vodka once every three years in Las Vegas. Her addiction is putting tons of Equal into Iced Tea, which she has worked hard to cut back on.
  4. Kim is obsessed with Elizabeth Taylor and her jewelry. Kim is said to have been the last person to interview Elizabeth Taylor before Taylor died. According to Forbes, Kim purchased three of Taylor’s jade bracelets for over $64,000 and went on to share that, “If you have a piece of jade, the energy goes into the piece and you absorb the energy,  so I can feel Elizabeth in the piece.”

  5. Kim shared on Twitter that she can’t stand putting cold jewelry on her body, so she blow-dries her jewelry before putting it on.


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