Less Than 3 Hours Left–Please Help Preserve the Memory of Maya Angelou

The Kickstarter Fundraiser ends in less than 3 hours for family and friends of Maya Angelou to have the funds needed to create a deeply personal, vivid and moving documentary of her life that will keep her voice alive for us and future generations. They are at 90% of their goal! For even donating a small amount of as little as $10 will entitle you to receive a gift personalized by some of Maya Angelou’s favorite things and works inspired by her.

Over a year ago, Maya Angelou’s death left the world stunned. While she led a long, creative, inspiring and productive life, it was the fact of losing that voice–her amazing gift of telling a story, her ability to deeply memorialize a moment in time with a few lines, her insightfulness, her awareness of what was happening in the world and what needed to happen–it was such a huge loss to not be able to look to her–in my lifetime, as with most reading this, she was always there.

Click Here to contribute to Maya Angelou Documentary Fundraiser

This is a copy of the email sent  out this morning  by Bob Hercules, independent filmmaker and Rita Coburn Whack, Maya Angelou’s producer:

Dear Maya Angelou Documentary Supporters,

We have raised over 90 percent of our goal, but there is still a huge amount of work to do. We’re in the final day of the campaign, with just 3 hours to go. We are down to the wire.

We launched this campaign to preserve Dr. Angelou’s work, words, and life as a piece of American History. We want to build her legacy and educate as many people as possible about her–both in our lifetimes and in the future. Dr. Angelou was the People’s Poet and this is a film for the people.

We humbly ask for your support in helping us amplify our message. This film will only happen if you join us in sharing this campaign with your personal networks over the next few hours. By emailing our project to 5 people you can help this film reach its goal. Every action helps our cause grow stronger.

We also wanted to take a moment to remind you all that Kickstarter is all or nothing. We must raise our entire goal by 6 PM EST today or we will not keep anything we’ve raised. Without your support we cannot reach our goal!

We are determined to cross the finish line today. We are SO close and truly owe it all to you. We hope for your support in this crucial time.

Our best,

The Maya Angelou Doc Team


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