Petitioners Angry Over Rihanna and Teyanna Taylor Twitter War

Negativity only brings negative energy and Rihanna and Teyanna Taylor may learn that the hard way. Petitioners are urging such endorsers as Reebok and Mac to take away the ladies endorsement deals, after their twitter feud. The petitions are on change.org, and folks seem very angry about Rihanna’s online bullying tactics. The petition states that young girls look up to Rihanna and she is constantly online bullying others and it is not acceptable. The petition also states, “By consistently attacking people online about their looks and reminding them that they are beneath her, she is using her platform in a very negative light and does not provide a positve image for Mac cosmetics or any of the companies that she endorses.

Rihanna wasn’t the only one targeted. It was stated that Teyanna sent abusive and offensive tweets to Rihanna over a period of eight hours. Teyanna also posted a picture on twitter of her wearing boxong gloves and it showed Rihanna’s picture from her domestic violence incident with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown. Petitioners stated, “Letting one of your sponsors mock a domestic violence incident discourages your female customers from speaking out about their abusers.

Rihanna and Teyanna are both young. They probably meant no harm, but in life one thing we all learn is that their are consequences for our actions. They are both role models to young girls and should conduct themselves as such.

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